Tired eyes: what causes them?
The tired eyes are an increasingly common problem. It is not uncommon to find yourself with an annoying sensation of heaviness in the eye area in the early hours of the day. In technical jargon we are talking about asthenopia .
In most cases we realize that a little rest helps reduce discomfort, but what we don't pay attention to is that in many cases it is our bad habits that tire our eyesight.
Let's therefore examine some of the main causes of tired eyes and look for the best solutions to reconcile lifestyle and well-being.
1. Prolonged work on the computer
The prolonged work on the computer It's now a daily reality for many of us, but we know how tiring it can be for the eyes. Tired eyes due to long hours in front of a screen are, in fact, a common complaint for IT professionals, students and office workers.
The main cause of eye disorders such as tiredness and yellow eyes it is prolonged concentration on bright screens, which requires continuous effort on the eyes. This constant fatigue can lead to symptoms such as dry eyes And difficulty focusing .
You can relieve the discomfort caused by tired eyes by following some useful practices.
- First, it is important to take regular breaks while working on the computer. For example, every 20-30 minutes look away from the screen and focus your vision on a distant object for about 20 seconds. This simple exercise can relax your eye muscles and prevent asthenopia.
- Also, make sure your workstation is well lit and that your monitor is positioned at eye level to minimize visual strain. The use of anti-glare filters on the screen , which are films or panels that reduce reflections and glare, improve visibility and reduce visual fatigue in bright environments.
- Don't forget, then, the importance of active breaks: get up, take a few steps and stretch your body to relax not only your eyes but also the rest of your body.
- If despite these precautions you continue to suffer from tired eyes, it may be time to consult an eye care professional. A vision check it is essential to ensure that your visual functions are optimal or to identify any problems that may require correction.
2. Prolonged use of contact lenses
Even the use prolonged of contact lenses it can, in some cases, cause symptoms such as tiredness and yellow eyes. This problem can affect anyone who uses contact lenses extensively, whether daily, monthly or any other type.
In fact, contact lenses, if worn for many hours, can reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches the surface of the eyes, causing dryness, irritation and a feeling of eye tiredness. Furthermore, the constant effort of the eye muscles required to maintain focus can lead to visual fatigue.
To avoid or alleviate these symptoms, it is important to pay the right attention to your eyes.
- First, we recommend that you request an eye test and contact lens evaluation from your optician.
- After that it would be good to make sure you carefully follow the instructions provided for correct use and safety maintenance contact lenses and only use cleaning solutions recommended by your optician or eye doctor.
- Then take breaks during the day, even if short, to close your eyes and relax your eye muscles .
- Hydration is essential, so drink plenty of water to prevent dry eyes. If despite this, you notice dehydration and irritation, use lubricating drops for eyes, making sure you choose only excellent quality products.
In some cases these precautions are not enough. It is, therefore, important to consult your optician or ophthalmologist. You may need to review the type of contact lenses you are using or consider alternatives, such as contact lenses disposable , which offer greater hydration and convenience or opt for women's eyeglasses or choose one of the many models men's eyeglasses or unisex.
3. Inadequate lighting
Inadequate lighting It's another cause of tired eyes. It can have a significant impact on eye health, often causing that annoying feeling of heaviness. This problem can affect anyone who spends a lot of time in dimly lit environments or with excessive exposure to fluorescent lights or computers.
The lights fluorescent lights , in particular, can emit a cold light and distorted which quickly tires the eye muscles. This can lead to dryness, eye fatigue, irritation and even heachache .
Added to this is the fact that inadequate lighting is often combined with long hours spent at the computer or on digital devices. All of these factors can put a strain on your vision, given the great effort your eyes have to make to adapt to the surrounding environment.
To overcome the problem, it is important to take some simple but effective steps.
First, make sure you're working in a well-lit area. The light should be diffused evenly and not create reflections or shadows on your desk or computer screen. Also, use lamps with warm shades creates comfortable and decidedly more restful lighting.
We don't get tired of repeating to take care of hydration. So drink plenty of water to keep your eyes well hydrated. And if you have the impression that they are particularly tired or dry, you can use a eye drops lubricant, capable of giving comfort to your gaze.
By identifying the many causes of tired eyes and following these simple remedies , you can create a more comfortable environment for work and many daily activities.