How to remove contact lenses?
How to remove contact lenses for some people it may be more challenging than expected.
Let's start by saying that contact lenses are a convenient and comfortable way to correct your vision, especially for those who don't like wearing glasses or who need to alternate the use of glasses and contact lenses at certain times of their day, for example for Playing sports.
But, just as putting on contact lenses can sometimes be difficult, their removal also requires the right amount of attention. It is essential for the eye health , to avoid potential problems due to improper handling of the lenses, which could cause irritation, injury or inflammation of the cornea.
Among the most common difficulties that people may encounter is excessive adhesion of the lens to the eye, which may be due to particular dryness of the eyes. In this case, we can recommend the use of lenses more hydrated so that they adhere adequately to the eye while preserving the correct humidification.
You don't have to worry if the first few times removing your lenses will be a little complicated and you will feel a bit of frustration. Just follow these three simple steps to learn how to remove contact lenses the correct way.
1. Open your eye wide
Removing contact lenses requires precision and delicacy. Before you get started, we recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly with a neutral soap, without alcohol and perfumes to avoid contamination, then dry them well.
Then, gently open your eye wide using two fingers. It is important that they are dry to maintain a firm hold on the skin around the eye. You can then hold your eye open with one hand and use the other to remove the lens.

Having the eye wide open is useful to be able to remove the lens more easily, without the inner edges of the eyes or the eyelashes interfering. The more you try to remove the lens, the more likely it is that the eye will become irritated and red.
Over time, as you gain experience and become familiar with this activity, you can also use the same hand to hold the eye open with the ring finger, pulling the skin downwards, and removing the lens with the index finger and thumb.
As simple as the step of keeping your eyes wide open may seem to you, you should know that it is important as it offers a clearer and broader vision. It allows you to see the contact lens better and reduces the risk of accidentally touch the eye or cornea, reducing potential discomfort or damage during removal.
Additionally, the wide-open eye provides a stable, even surface for gripping the contact lens. What we definitely want is to perform a safe movement to preserve eye health.
2. Pinch the contact lens
Once the eye is wide open, position your two clean fingers as if you wanted to place and hold the two extreme edges of the lens with your fingers, on the left and right side in a horizontal line.
Once you place your fingers on the ends of the lens, move your fingers simultaneously towards the center of the eye. At this point, you will need to pinch the contact lens to gently grip the edges.
Be careful to place your fingers on the lens, basically around the iris. It is not necessary to touch the white part of the eye with your fingers, so as not to cause irritation. Furthermore, we advise you to avoid using your nails directly on the lens to remove it, to avoid damaging it and risking it scratch the eye .

This is the right technique for removing contact lenses without irritating the cornea and the eye in general.
If you suffer from dry eyes you can also use saline solution to lubricate the lenses and make it easier to remove them from the eyes.
Women in particular often wonder how to remove contact lenses with long nails . In fact, those who wear lenses do not want to give up a perfect manicure and have long, varnished nails.
In this case, with a little experience, it is possible to learn to position the fingers so as to use the fingertips without touching the eye with the nails. To do this, it is important to find the right angle with your fingers, using their most central part of the fingertip rather than its end.
If necessary, use your thumb as a support to stabilize the lens while removing it with your fingertips.
Additionally, you can consider auxiliary tools for removing lenses, such as special tweezers or suction cups designed for this purpose.
3. Slide the lens down
Once you have a gentle grip on the lens, gently slide it down, away from the pupil. Throughout the removal process, use slow, controlled movements to prevent the lens from bending or damaging.
Know that these are the three fundamental steps to remove your lenses easily and, above all, safely. Of course, you'll need some practice.

Whether you wear soft or semi-rigid lenses, there is no better way to remove one or the other. The basic steps we have shown you are the same. Of course, soft lenses may require a little more delicacy in the grip.
If you use semi-rigid lenses it may probably be easier for you to remove them. If you wear soft lenses you need to have an extra touch of delicacy since they are by definition soft.
If it's a lens disposable and you're removing it to throw it away, don't worry if it crushes a bit. If, however, you are removing it because you realize that it hasn't adhered well or you don't have a clear vision and you need to rinse it, it's best to be delicate so as not to make it unusable.
In case you were wondering how long it takes to learn how to remove lenses correctly, we would like to answer that, based on our experience, the time varies from person to person. What we are certain of is that it is impossible for anyone. You will also have to learn how to remove a stuck contact lens , but we are here to help you with this too.
It may take time and patience. However, we are certain that, over time, it will become so easy for you to remove them too contact lenses that you will do it without a mirror and with only one hand.